Cement All
Rapid Set® CEMENT ALL® is a high-performance, fast-setting, multipurpose
concrete repair material and non-shrink grout. Durable in wet environments,
CEMENT ALL is a blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and specially graded fine
aggregates. CEMENT ALL is non-metallic and no chlorides are added.

Rapid Set Cement
RAPID SET® CEMENT is a high performance, rapid hardening hydraulic
cement. Use RAPID SET CEMENT to create concretes, mortars, and grouts that achieve structural strength in one hour. Engineered for low shrinkage and superior resistance to chemical attack, Rapid Set Cement maximizes service life and minimizes maintenance.

Concrete Mix
Rapid Set® CONCRETE MIX is a high-performance, fast-setting, multipurpose concrete repair material. Durable in wet environments, CONCRETE MIX is a blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and quality aggregates. CONCRETE MIX is non-metallic and no chlorides are added. Mix CONCRETE MIX with water to produce a workable, quality concrete material that is ideal where fast strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage are desired.

Concrete Resurfacer
Rapid Set CR CONCRETE RESURFACER is an advanced hydraulic cementbased mortar that can be used both indoors and outdoors to resurface worn, old or spalled concrete, giving a new concrete look. CR has been specially formulated to match the color of typical portland cement concrete.

Duo Patch
DUO PATCH mortero de reparación bi-componente, modificado con polímeros y con inhibidor de corrosión para usarse en una variedad de aplicaciones de reparación en horizontal, con formaletas y vaciados en sitio.
Cuando se mezcla a una consistencia pastosa se usa para reparar en vertical y sobrecabeza.

Rapid Set® LEVELFLOR® is an advanced hydraulic cement-based selfleveling underlayment that can be used both indoors and outdoors. LEVELFLOR rapidly levels, maintains workability for 20 minutes and produces a flat, strong surface with high bond strength.
LEVELFLOR is designed for fast track leveling applications and can be covered with finished flooring in 4 to 16 hours at 70˚F (21˚C), depending on the flooring type.

Mortar Mix
Rapid Set® MORTAR MIX is a high-performance, fast-setting, multipurpose repair material.
Durable in wet environments, MORTAR MIX is a blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and quality aggregates. MORTAR MIX is non-metallic and no chlorides are added.

SC Multipurpose Grout
SC MULTIPURPOSE GROUT es un mortero de relleno cementicio multipropósito sin contracción, no-metálico.
El producto esta formulado para una gran variedad de aplicaciones de relleno, desde una mezcla seca hasta una consistencia fluida con una expansión positiva controlada.

RepCon 928
REPCON 928 es un mortero de reparación para concreto mono componente, modificado con polímeros, reforzado con fibras, de fraguado rápido para usarse en pisos de concreto, pavimentos en autopistas, losas de puentes y otras aplicaciones que requieren el uso rápido de la estructura o rápido trafico.
REPCON 928 cumple los requeri-mientos de ASTM C928 y el AASHTO T260.

Repcon V/O
RepCon V/O es un mortero para reparar concreto de un solo componente, modificado con polímeros, reforzado con fibras con un inhibidor integral de corrosión para usarse en una variedad de aplicaciones de reparación en vertical y sobre la cabeza.
RepCon V/O incorpora lo último en tecnología de polímeros ofreciendo una
durabilidad superior.

Skim Coat
Rapid Set SKIM COAT is a smooth (unsanded), fast curing, hydraulic cement-based floor underlayment. Use under flooring for concrete repairs, patching and skim coating on interior and exterior projects. Apply from featheredge to 1” (2.5 cm).

RepCon - H
REPCON® H is a single component, polymer modified, fiber reinforced, concrete repair mortar with integral corrosion inhibitor for use in a variety of screed or trowel down horizontal repair applications.

SpecPatch es un mortero para reparación del concreto de uso general para usarse en pisos de concreto, paredes, muros, prefabricados, tilt-up y superficies de mampostería.
SpecPatch puede ser utilizado en aplicaciones horizontales y verticales brindando una reparación duradera que puede moldearse posteriormente raspándose o lijándose.

Tru PC Concrete
Rapid Set TRU PC POLISHED CONCRETE is an advanced, professional grade, hydraulic cement-based, self-leveling topping. It can be ground and polished to expose the aggregate and simulate the appearance of polished concrete.
TRU PC levels rapidly, maintains workability for up to 20 minutes, produces a dense surface, and has high bond strength. TRU PC is ready for foot traffic in 2 to 3 hours.
As an interior and exterior product, TRU PC is durable in wet or dry conditions.

Rapid Set® MORTAR MIX is a high-performance, fast-setting, multipurpose repair material.
Durable in wet environments, MORTAR MIX is a blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and quality aggregates. MORTAR MIX is non-metallic and no chlorides are added.

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